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Diplomatic Briefing on Burma Bulletin

The armed conflicts in Burma should be observed for achieving peace through protecting human rights and adhering to the rule of law. In the aftermath of the 1962 military coup, the Tatmadaw aggrandized its power and embedded its military institution, with or without a constitution, insofar as the military exists as the most powerful state institution in the country. While practicing rigid centralization and causing disagreements among both democratic and ethnic resistance groups, the Tatmadaw has created divided and fragile societies in a weak state, resulting in the commission of the gravest crimes of international concern, the most serious human rights violations...

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Posted on 29 March 2023


LAN’s Statement on the ASEAN Leaders Meeting convened on April 24

1. The invitation of the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing to the April 24 meeting and treated him equally as other countries’ leaders would legitimize the Military Council, by implication. The ASEAN has ignored the legitimacy of the National Unity Government by excluding it from the meeting and showing no serious attention to the result of the 2020 elections. As such, the ASEAN itself has denied the principles of democracy noted in paragraph (2) of the Chairman’s Statement on the meeting.1 Legal Aid Network, therefore, objects to the ASEAN summit as far as Burma/Myanmar is concerned...

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Posted on 25 April 2021


Legal Recommendations From Achievement of the Civil Disobedience Movement Towards Unequivocal Elimination of the Military Dictatorship in Burma

In Burma/Myanmar, peaceful demonstrations against the military regime conducted by the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) are gaining momentum day by day. In a CDM campaign it is considered appropriate to encourage civil servants from various departments to resign from their position in order to stop the functioning of the administrative mechanism of the military regime. The younger generation, also named Generation Z, has displayed energetic activities, boundless creativity and leadership during the public protest. The Legal Aid Network definitely supports the movement...

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Posted on 7 March 2021

Statement objecting the legal action against the three youths who painted graffiti to raise public awareness in the midst of battling against COVID-19 in Myitkyina, Kachin State

The drawing of artists Ko Zay Yar Naung, Naw Htun Aung and Sicilia Ja Seng, informing the public through graffiti illustrating the precautions for the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic does not violate any law. They just exercise freedom of expression.

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Posted on 3 May 2020

Legal Demand to Cover Medical and Living Costs of People While Fighting Against COVID-19

Currently, the lives of all people in Burma are in peril due to a systematic failure to prepare, plan, and strategize on how to deal with the imminent hazardous threat of COVID-19. The government, a combination of both civilian and military parts, has been superficially and very thinly conducting (inadequate) infection surveillance while surprisingly declaring that there are zero infections in Burma up to 20 March 2020.1 If Burma truly has zero infections, such news would be wonderful, but the systemic failures noted above suggest that is far from reality.

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Posted on 21 March 2020